DIY Muscle Rub - Soothes Your Sore Muscles Naturally
Sore muscles: We've all been in that situation. We know how it feels to have sore, achy muscles. Perhaps you spent too much time carrying heavy grocery bags, working out too hard at the gym, or wandering in the mall for a pretty long time.

You're now feeling a muscle ache, and you need some relief immediately, even if you know the pain will go away in a few days. Isn't that so? If yes, then you have come to the right place. In this blog, we will discuss all the benefits of homemade muscle rubs and even give you a recipe to make one at home.
Benefits Of Homemade Muscle Rub
If you find your muscles tired and stiff, then diy muscle rubs are the way to go. Devoid any toxic chemicals. They are 100% safe for your skin. Some of the benefits of using a homemade muscle rub include:

Gives Targeted Relief
Pain relief is achieved by preventing nerve endings from transmitting signals to the brain. If your nerve endings don't alert your brain to a problem, your brain won't be able to comprehend the pain; thus, you won't experience it. When a DIY muscle rub is used on a particular area, only the nerves in that location are "turned off."
Natural DIY Sore muscle rub is considerably better for your health. You provide pain alleviation right where it aches with muscle balms. The natural rub penetrates fast into the bloodstream, providing pain relief when and where you need it.
Facilitates Healing
When you use oral medicine, you risk your body failing to recognize your pain, causing it to become lazy and "forget" about the healing process. Unlike oral pills, homemade rubs aid in pain relief but do not interfere with the body's natural healing process.
Even if you aren't in pain, your body might detect that something is amiss. As a result, it continues to send forth white blood cells and other good fighters to help your body recover.
Ease Pain
Rubbing the region may help reduce inflammation and ease discomfort. In addition, touch has been demonstrated to relieve stress, relax muscles, and relieve tension. Massage of the affected area (or your entire body) has also been proven to reduce anxiety, which is especially beneficial if you're coping with chronic pain that interferes with your regular activities.
No Harmful Side Effects
Homemade muscle rubs have far fewer negative effects than oral pain medicines, which can cause bleeding, nausea, dyspepsia, and even an increased risk of infection. Consistent pain relievers can lead to addiction, depression, exhaustion, ulcers, and even kidney or liver disease. Applying a topical DIY sore muscle rub to a particular region might assist your body cope with the side effects of taking oral medicines.
Easy To Use
You can easily apply a muscle rub, let it absorb into your skin, and then go about your business. You won't have to apply hot or cold packs frequently. You won't need a bottle of water to take your pain relievers. Rubs are simple to apply and produce quick effects. Homemade muscle rubs have the added advantage of containing absolutely no toxic substances.
Homemade Muscle Rub With Essential Oils
This DIY aching muscle rub with a relaxing, warming sensation and then switches to a refreshing, cooling sensation. It's ideal for relaxing stiff muscles after a restless night's sleep and painful muscles following vigorous activity or exercise. Massage some into the back of your neck and shoulders to help relieve tension headaches.
Ingredients For DIY Essential oil Muscle Rub
- ½ Cup Coconut oil
- ½ Cup Shea butter
- 2 Tablespoon Beeswax
- 1 Tablespoon Cayenne Pepper
- 1 Tablespoon Ground Ginger
- 1 Teaspoon Ground Turmeric
- 6 Drops of Eucalyptus Oil
- 6 Drops of Peppermint Oil
- 6 Drops of Rosemary Oil
- 6 Drops of Lavender Oil
DIY Sore Muscle Balm Recipe & Use
- Combine the cayenne pepper, ginger, and turmeric in a medium glass mason jar. Fill the container with coconut oil. Place the jar in a pot with approximately 5cm of water and slowly melt and reheat the oil over medium heat. Turn off the heat and whisk the mixture after the oil has melted.
- Allow 30 minutes to pass before repeating the heating procedure and stirring. Repeat the process a third time. A strong infusion may be obtained by boiling the oil three times.
- Using a garni bag, cheesecloth, or muslin, strain the mixture into another glass mason jar.
- Excess oil should be squeezed out.
- Return the oil mixture to the jar and place it in a saucepan with about 5cm of water over medium heat. Stir in the beeswax until they are completely melted. Blend in the essential oils.
- Allow it cool and set for a couple of hours in 60ml metal containers (you will fill around 4 – give one to a friend in need!).
Don't apply excessive amounts. Use on aching muscles. Use within 6 months and keep out of direct sunlight.
We always recommend doing a patch test before using any essential oil product. Rub a small amount of the balm on a tiny patch on your skin and wait for about 5 minutes. If you do not feel unnatural, you can start soothing your aching muscles!
There you go! You have now learned how to make a homemade, natural sore muscle rub using herbs and essential oils. This muscle rub recipe is made using simple ingredients that are easy to come by and don't require preservatives. So they're ideal for making at home! You can even buy the ingredients right here at Veda Oils.
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Disclaimer :- This article is intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. For specific health concerns or treatment, please consult your personal physician. The article's editor, writer, and VedaOils organization do not assume any responsibility for any health outcomes resulting from the information provided. Readers are strongly encouraged to seek advice from their physician before acting on any recommendations made in these articles.