DIY Belly Balm Recipe - How to Make Homemade Belly Balm for Pregnancy? – VedaOils

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DIY Belly Balm Recipe - How to Make Homemade Belly Balm for Pregnancy?

Most of the women at least once go through pregnancy and the hardships followed by it. It brings numerous changes in one's body and completely changes the look and feel. To reduce one problem from the list, we bring you a DIY belly balm recipe for pregnancy to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

DIY Belly Balm Recipe - How to Make Homemade Belly Balm for Pregnancy?

It helps with hydration, moisturisation, itchiness, and of course stretch marks. This recipe is crafted with natural ingredients, decreasing the chances of skin reactions. Enjoy your pregnancy with a happy, healthy, and stretch marks-free belly.

Benefits of DIY Belly Balm

Reasons why you should add belly balm during pregnancy in the skincare routine.

1. Reduces stretch marks

Reduces stretch marks

These belly balms are specially curated to address the issue of stretch markings. When constantly applied during and after pregnancy, it gradually helps in fading the marks and preventing them.

2. Reduces itchiness

Reduces itchiness

Belly balm contains essential oils such as lavender, chamomile, patchouli, helichrysum italicum, and lemon essential oil. All these essential oils have unique properties such as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidants. These agents help in reducing itchiness by calming the skin.

3. Moisturised and hydrated skin

Moisturised and hydrated skin

Belly balms are made with various natural oils, butters and waxes such as beeswax, cocoa butter, shea butter, almond oil, and coconut oil. All these ingredients are rich in hydrating and moisturising power, keeping the skin hydrated throughout the day.

4. Natural ingredients

You get to use natural ingredients and can add and remove ingredients as per your preferences and requirements making it more effective for a certain skin type as they cater to specific needs. This ensures a quality product.

5. Cost-effective


Making your own belly balm lets you have full control of purchasing quality ingredients at a minimum price and they are made in large batches making them cost-effective.

DIY Pregnancy Belly Balm Recipe

The below recipes hardly take 10 minutes to craft while providing numerous benefits to your skincare routine. All the ingredients used can be easily found in a nearby store or on VedaOils website.

Recipe 1 - Pregnancy Belly Balm with Cocoa Butter

Pregnancy Belly Balm with Cocoa Butter


  • Soy wax - 1 ½ tablespoons
  • Cocoa butter - 1 ½ tablespoons
  • Avocado oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Rosehip oil - 4 tablespoons
  • Lavender essential oil - 14 drops
  • Patchouli essential oil - 7 drops
  • Helichrysum italicum essential oil - 7 drops


  • Measuring spoon
  • Glass bottle
  • Microwave
  • Bowl


1. Take 1 ½ tablespoon of soy wax and cocoa butter in a bowl and microwave for a few minutes until it completely melts.

2. Take the bowl out from the microwave and add 2 tablespoons of avocado oil, 4 tablespoons of rosehip oil, 14 drops of lavender essential oil, 7 drops of patchouli and helichrysum italicum essential oil.

3. Mix until everything is evenly distributed. Transfer the belly balm to a glass container and store it in a cool, dry place.

Recipe 2 - Pregnancy Belly Balm with Vitamin E Oil

Pregnancy Belly Balm with Vitamin E Oil


  • Cocoa butter - ⅓ cup
  • Shea butter - ⅓ cup
  • Rosehip seed oil - 10 drops
  • Calendula infused almond oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Beeswax grated - 3 tablespoons
  • Coconut oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Vitamin E Oil - 1 teaspoon
  • Lemon essential oil - 12 drops
  • Lavender essential oil - 9 drops
  • Chamomile essential oil - 5 drops


  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Microwave
  • Bowl
  • Spoon
  • Glass container


1. In a bowl, add ½ cup of cocoa butter and shea butter, 1 tablespoon of calendula infused almond oil, 3 tablespoons of grated beeswax, and 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. Place the bowl in the microwave for a few seconds, until everything has melted.

2. Remove the bowl from the microwave and allow it to cool for a few minutes.

3. Now you can add 10 drops of rosehip seed oil, 1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil, 12 drops of lemon essential oil, 9 drops of lavender essential oil, and 5 drops of chamomile essential oil. Stir to mix.

4. Transfer the pregnancy belly balm with vitamin E oil to a glass container and let it completely cool down.

How to Use Homemade Belly Balm?

How to Use Homemade Belly Balm

Belly balm can be used twice a day, once after the shower and the second before bed to let the skin fully absorb the essential oil and keep the skin hydrated and moisturised. It can also be applied whenever the belly feels dry and itchy. It will help in the reduction of the appearance of stretch marks.


For every DIY recipe, it is essential to conduct a patch test to make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients used. You should also discontinue its usage if you develop red, itchy skin with inflammation. While crafting the DIY sterilise all the utensils to avoid the risk of spoilage and craft the belly balm in small batches to reduce the risk of bacteria infestation.


DIY belly balms offer a natural and potentially cost-effective approach to pregnancy skincare. This homemade belly balm gives you full control of what you are putting on your skin and in what quantity. It contributes to making your pregnancy a bit easier while you juggle with other things. Go ahead craft the DIY belly balm mix, match, and bask in the pregnancy glow.

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